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So many people come up to me and ask me How I've grown my hair so long and retained my length.


Most of the time my answer is simple. I dont know. That's not me being ambiguous about these "hidden secrets" people think I have, its because I try to keep my routine simple.


Here are a few ways you can help grow your natural hair and retain the length you grow:


1.Stop Touching your hair!


Seriously. I tell people this all the time; the more time you spend manipulating your hair, the more at risk you're at for breakage.





2.Water,water and more (you guessed it) water.


What I'm about to say isn't earth shattering, but drinking will help keep you hydrated and keep your hair moist so bottoms up bitch.




3.Keep your hair moist.


Major key. When you let natural hair get too dry,it breaks off easier than usual.Trust me, This is coming from the girl who hasn't deep conditioned in a while.






4.Be patient.


not everyone wants to hear that but its true!

Some people have hair that naturally grows fast, and some are the opposite. With that being said, not one two peoples hair journey is gonna be the same; so don't compare yourself.




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